Configuring Database Triggers
eXist-db supports triggers: code that runs when certain events in the database occur. This article will tell you how to use this facility.
Triggers can be configured to respond to document and/or collection events. There are five types of events triggers can respond to:
- create
Fired when a collection or document is created in a collection
- update
Fired when a document is updated (there is no collection update)
- copy
Fired when a collection or document is copied
- move
Fired when a collection or document is moved (a rename operation is considered a move, not an update)
- delete
Fired when a collection or document is deleted
Triggers can be defined for running both before and after the event.
Triggers may be chained together into a pipeline like approach. For example, if a document is stored into Collection A (configured with Trigger A), Trigger A may process the document and in response store a new document into Collection B (configured with Trigger B), which will in turn cause the document to be processed by Trigger B and so on.
Trigger Types
Triggers can be written in XQuery or Java.
XQuery Triggers
The XQuery code to execute when the trigger is fired can be placed in the
collection configuration collection.xconf
file or referenced by a
The XQuery functions mapped to trigger event:
trigger:before-create-collection($uri as xs:anyURI)
trigger:after-create-collection($uri as xs:anyURI)
trigger:before-copy-collection($uri as xs:anyURI, $new-uri as xs:anyURI)
trigger:after-copy-collection($new-uri as xs:anyURI, $uri as xs:anyURI)
trigger:before-move-collection($uri as xs:anyURI, $new-uri as xs:anyURI)
trigger:after-move-collection($new-uri as xs:anyURI, $uri as xs:anyURI)
trigger:before-delete-collection($uri as xs:anyURI)
trigger:after-delete-collection($uri as xs:anyURI)
trigger:before-create-document($uri as xs:anyURI)
trigger:after-create-document($uri as xs:anyURI)
trigger:before-update-document($uri as xs:anyURI)
trigger:after-update-document($uri as xs:anyURI)
trigger:before-copy-document($uri as xs:anyURI, $new-uri as xs:anyURI)
trigger:after-copy-document($new-uri as xs:anyURI, $uri as xs:anyURI)
trigger:before-move-document($uri as xs:anyURI, $new-uri as xs:anyURI)
trigger:after-move-document($new-uri as xs:anyURI, $uri as xs:anyURI)
trigger:before-delete-document($uri as xs:anyURI)
trigger:after-delete-document($uri as xs:anyURI)
The trigger:
prefix must be mapped to
Java Triggers
Triggers written in Java must implement the
interface. The Java
class for your trigger must be available on the class path. lib/user
a good place to store the your custom trigger.
The DocumentTrigger
interface provides a convenient starting place
and provides the methods.
Configuring Triggers
Triggers are configured using the collection-specific configuration files called
. These files are stored as standard XML documents in the
system collection /db/system/config
. collection.xconf
used also to define other collection specific settings such as indexes or default permissions.
The hierarchy of the collection /db/system/config
mirrors the
hierarchical structure of the main database collection.
Configurations are inherited by descendants in this hierarchy, (the configuration settings for a child collection are added to or override those set for its parent). With this it is possible for each collection to have its own trigger creation policy defined by a configuration file.
To configure triggers for a given collection, for example: /db/foo
create a new collection configuration file collection.xconf
and store it in
the system collection (for instance as
). Since sub-collections
inherit the configuration policy of their parents, you are not required to specify a
configuration for its sub-collections.
Configuration Structure and Syntax
Trigger configuration files are standard XML documents that have their elements
defined in the eXist namespace
All configuration documents have a <collection>
root element. The
triggers child
element encloses the trigger configuration. Only a
single <triggers>
element is permitted. In the <triggers>
are <trigger>
elements that define each trigger and the event(s) that it is
fired for.
Each <trigger>
element has two attributes, event
A comma separated list of events to fire on:
If for an XQuery trigger the
attribute is not present, the code will never be invoked.For Java triggers the
attribute may or may not have any effect depending on the implementation of theconfigure()
method. See the examples below. -
The name of the Java Class to fire when an event occurs. XQuery triggers are handled by the built-in Java trigger
The <trigger>
element can in addition contain zero or more
child-elements, defining any parameters to send to the
Configuring an XQuery Trigger
For XQuery triggers the following parameters apply:
The URL of the XQuery to execute
Can be used instead of
. Contains the XQuery itself.
The following example shows two XQuery Triggers configured in
. The first executes an XQuery stored in the
database, the second an XQuery placed inline:
<collection xmlns="">
<trigger event="update" class="org.exist.collections.triggers.XQueryTrigger">
<parameter name="url" value="xmldb:exist:///db/myTrigger.xql"/>
<trigger event="create" class="org.exist.collections.triggers.XQueryTrigger">
<parameter name="query" value="module namespace trigger=''; declare function trigger:before-create-collection($uri as xs:anyURI) { util:log('debug', concat('Trigger fired at ', current-dateTime())) };"/>
Configuring a Java Trigger
When configuring a Java Trigger, parameters are passed in a named map to the
function of the trigger.
The following example shows a Java trigger configuration:
<collection xmlns="">
<trigger class="my.domain.testTrigger">
<parameter name="myParam" value="myValue"/>
Example Triggers
Here are trigger examples:
Simple logging Trigger in XQuery
xquery version "1.0";
A simple XQuery for an XQueryTrigger that
logs all trigger events for which it is executed
in the file /db/triggers-log.xml
module namespace trigger="";
declare namespace xmldb="";
declare function trigger:before-create-collection($uri as xs:anyURI) {
local:log-event("before", "create", "collection", $uri)
declare function trigger:after-create-collection($uri as xs:anyURI) {
local:log-event("after", "create", "collection", $uri)
declare function trigger:before-copy-collection($uri as xs:anyURI, $new-uri as xs:anyURI) {
local:log-event("before", "copy", "collection", concat("from: ", $uri, " to: ", $new-uri))
declare function trigger:after-copy-collection($new-uri as xs:anyURI, $uri as xs:anyURI) {
local:log-event("after", "copy", "collection", concat("from: ", $uri, " to: ", $new-uri))
declare function trigger:before-move-collection($uri as xs:anyURI, $new-uri as xs:anyURI) {
local:log-event("before", "move", "collection", concat("from: ", $uri, " to: ", $new-uri))
declare function trigger:after-move-collection($new-uri as xs:anyURI, $uri as xs:anyURI) {
local:log-event("after", "move", "collection", concat("from: ", $uri, " to: ", $new-uri))
declare function trigger:before-delete-collection($uri as xs:anyURI) {
local:log-event("before", "delete", "collection", $uri)
declare function trigger:after-delete-collection($uri as xs:anyURI) {
local:log-event("after", "delete", "collection", $uri)
declare function trigger:before-create-document($uri as xs:anyURI) {
local:log-event("before", "create", "document", $uri)
declare function trigger:after-create-document($uri as xs:anyURI) {
local:log-event("after", "create", "document", $uri)
declare function trigger:before-update-document($uri as xs:anyURI) {
local:log-event("before", "update", "document", $uri)
declare function trigger:after-update-document($uri as xs:anyURI) {
local:log-event("after", "update", "document", $uri)
declare function trigger:before-copy-document($uri as xs:anyURI, $new-uri as xs:anyURI) {
local:log-event("before", "copy", "document", concat("from: ", $uri, " to: ", $new-uri))
declare function trigger:after-copy-document($new-uri as xs:anyURI, $uri as xs:anyURI) {
local:log-event("after", "copy", "document", concat("from: ", $uri, " to: ", $new-uri))
declare function trigger:before-move-document($uri as xs:anyURI, $new-uri as xs:anyURI) {
local:log-event("before", "move", "document", concat("from: ", $uri, " to: ", $new-uri))
declare function trigger:after-move-document($new-uri as xs:anyURI, $uri as xs:anyURI) {
local:log-event("after", "move", "document", concat("from: ", $uri, " to: ", $new-uri))
declare function trigger:before-delete-document($uri as xs:anyURI) {
local:log-event("before", "delete", "document", $uri)
declare function trigger:after-delete-document($uri as xs:anyURI) {
local:log-event("after", "delete", "document", $uri)
declare function local:log-event($type as xs:string, $event as xs:string, $object-type as xs:string, $uri as xs:string) {
let $log-collection := "/db"
let $log := "triggers-log.xml"
let $log-uri := concat($log-collection, "/", $log)
(: create the log file if it does not exist :)
if (not(doc-available($log-uri))) then
xmldb:store($log-collection, $log, <triggers/>)
else ()
(: log the trigger details to the log file :)
update insert <trigger event="{string-join(($type, $event, $object-type), "-")}" uri="{$uri}" timestamp="{current-dateTime()}"/> into doc($log-uri)/triggers
Simple Logging Trigger in Java
import org.exist.collections.triggers.FilteringTrigger;
import org.exist.collections.triggers.TriggerException;
import org.exist.dom.DocumentImpl;
import org.exist.xmldb.XmldbURI;
import org.exist.xquery.value.DateTimeValue;
A simple Java Trigger that
logs all trigger events for which it is executed
in the file triggersLog.xml in the systems temporary folder
public class LoggingTrigger extends FilteringTrigger implements DocumentTrigger
private final static String TEMPLATE = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><events></events>";
private DocumentImpl doc;
public void configure(DBBroker broker, org.exist.collections.Collection parent, Map<String, List<?>> parameters) throws CollectionConfigurationException {
super.configure(broker, parent, parameters);
XmldbURI docPath = XmldbURI.create("messages.xml");
System.out.println("TestTrigger prepares");
this.doc = parent.getDocument(broker, docPath);
if (this.doc == null) {
TransactionManager transactMgr = broker.getBrokerPool().getTransactionManager();
Txn transaction = transactMgr.beginTransaction();
try {
getLogger().debug("creating new file for collection contents");
// IMPORTANT: temporarily disable triggers on the collection.
// We would end up in infinite recursion if we don't do that
IndexInfo info = parent.validateXMLResource(transaction, broker, docPath, TEMPLATE);, broker, info, TEMPLATE, false);
this.doc = info.getDocument();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CollectionConfigurationException(e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
public void prepare(int event, DBBroker broker, Txn transaction, XmldbURI documentPath, DocumentImpl existingDocument) throws TriggerException {
public void finish(int event, DBBroker broker, Txn transaction, XmldbURI documentPath, DocumentImpl document) {
private void addRecord(DBBroker broker, String xupdate) throws TriggerException {
MutableDocumentSet docs = new DefaultDocumentSet();
try {
// IMPORTANT: temporarily disable triggers on the collection.
// We would end up in infinite recursion if we don't do that
// create the XUpdate processor
XUpdateProcessor processor = new XUpdateProcessor(broker, docs, AccessContext.TRIGGER);
// process the XUpdate
Modification modifications[] = processor.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xupdate)));
for (int i = 0; i < modifications.length; i++)
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new TriggerException(e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
// IMPORTANT: reenable trigger processing for the collection.
public void beforeCreateDocument(DBBroker broker, Txn transaction, XmldbURI uri) throws TriggerException {
String xupdate = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" +
"<xu:modifications version=\"1.0\" xmlns:xu=\"" + XUpdateProcessor.XUPDATE_NS + "\">" +
" <xu:append select='/events'>" +
" <xu:element name='event'>" +
" <xu:attribute name='id'>STORE-DOCUMENT</xu:attribute>" +
" <xu:attribute name='collection'>" + doc.getCollection().getURI() + "</xu:attribute>" +
" </xu:element>" +
" </xu:append>" +
addRecord(broker, xupdate);
public void afterCreateDocument(DBBroker broker, Txn transaction, DocumentImpl document) {
//ignore this event
public void beforeUpdateDocument(DBBroker broker, Txn transaction, DocumentImpl document) throws TriggerException {
//ignore this event
public void afterUpdateDocument(DBBroker broker, Txn transaction, DocumentImpl document) {
//ignore this event
public void beforeCopyDocument(DBBroker broker, Txn transaction, DocumentImpl document, XmldbURI newUri) throws TriggerException {
//ignore this event
public void afterCopyDocument(DBBroker broker, Txn transaction, DocumentImpl document, XmldbURI newUri) {
//ignore this event
public void beforeMoveDocument(DBBroker broker, Txn transaction, DocumentImpl document, XmldbURI newUri) throws TriggerException {
//ignore this event
public void afterMoveDocument(DBBroker broker, Txn transaction, DocumentImpl document, XmldbURI newUri) {
//ignore this event
public void beforeDeleteDocument(DBBroker broker, Txn transaction, DocumentImpl document) throws TriggerException {
String xupdate = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" +
"<xu:modifications version=\"1.0\" xmlns:xu=\"" + XUpdateProcessor.XUPDATE_NS + "\">" +
" <xu:append select='/events'>" +
" <xu:element name='event'>" +
" <xu:attribute name='id'>REMOVE-DOCUMENT</xu:attribute>" +
" <xu:attribute name='collection'>" + doc.getCollection().getURI() + "</xu:attribute>" +
" </xu:element>" +
" </xu:append>" +
addRecord(broker, xupdate);
public void afterDeleteDocument(DBBroker broker, Txn transaction, XmldbURI uri) {
Provided Triggers
eXist provides some triggers that might be useful:
- HistoryTrigger
This collection trigger will save all old versions of documents before they are overwritten or removed. The old versions are kept in the 'history root' which is by default
. This can be changed with the parameterroot
. You need to configure this trigger for every collection whose history you want to preserve.The event attribute is ignored by
<collection xmlns=""> <triggers> <trigger class="org.exist.collections.triggers.HistoryTrigger"/> </triggers> </collection>
- STX Transformer Trigger
STXTransformerTrigger applies an STX stylesheet to the input SAX stream, using Joost. The stylesheet location is identified by parameter
. Thesrc
parameter is just a path, the stylesheet will be loaded from the database, otherwise, it is interpreted as an URI.The event attribute is ignored by